Sunday 18 December
Shane and Jo and the 3 kids are gone
camping at Umina for a week.
We went to visit them.
Shane met us outside the park on his bike with
Joshua in the trailer.
We also had our bikes, so we all rode to the
swimming pool to collect Jo and the girls.
Amelia wanted to ride with Joshua back to the tent
Claude and Shane are fixing Mykaela's bike.
And Amelia kept on saying:"I want to help"
At home she has a plastic tool kit, she love it.
always want to fix something.
Then we all rode our bike to Ettalong.
such a happy, contented baby
Amelia being mother (poor Josh)
We all had a lovely lunch.
Us girls some nice prawns Jo bought in Ettalong.
Lucky for Claude and Shane I made a
weigh watchers chicken pasta salad
In the afternoon we went for a walk.
Amelia wanted to show me the pillow.
I never saw anything like it a huge bouncing pillow
Jo, Amelia and Shane went on it
even Shane could bounce high
and I went to join in the fun
OOOOOOH my knees hurt
I had enough...I want to get out but I kept on bouncing
and then we went to the beach.
Shane had a swim
Mykaela joined us, she had been
bicycling with a friend
such a good baby
Miss Amelia Kay Andre