Sunday 16 October
Amelia is 3 ears old
at 3.06 pm
She is having a "PINK party"
(her choice)
Claude saw this doll in a window.
He knew that I was looking for a
rag doll. So we got it for her as an
extra present.
(3 presents for a 3y old)
I should get a lot then!!!
Mykaela and her friend Maddie blew up
the balloons
Jo got some big toys from the toy library
The birthday girl
dig in don't wait
Ada and Claude
Amelia got a 2 wheel bike.
and she has change outfit for
the third time.
She was given few dress up outfit.
This one is gorgeous and pink.
Ada made those butterfly cake.
They were yummy
Shane is putting the bike together.
Jeannette is directing the assemble.
Amelia is helping with her own tool set.
Joshua is awake and ready to party
Paul is having a nurse
Great grand ma Ada is having a cuddle too
The cake: a magic wand
eating cake
Jo and Joshua
All the little guests are gone home to have a nap.
But Amelia is still going full blast.
See part two of this blog.
I am having a lot of trouble doing it this is my third
attempt and I can upload only one photo at a time,
and I cancel more upload than I can publish.
Something is not going well.
I shall try another time with the rest of it.