Friday, September 4, 2015

Manly food and wine festival

Saturday 30 May

Today we went to the Manly food and wine festival.

We parked in Fairlight and walk to Manly

Canollis, yum, yum

Sprang. Claude eating the canolli.


Thursday 28 May

Every years Sydney has a type of Lights festival, 
were all the important buildings have light 
displays on their facade.

then to the opera

And suddenly Claude felt very unwell and passed 
out in the crowd


Thursday 28 May

For my Mother's day Christopher and Tina
sent me a groupon for a five courses dinner 
for two with a bottle of wine.

The food was lovely. We thought there was 
no way we could eat 5 courses,
but they were very small serves.

We watch some dancing in the street

and then we walked down to the quay and on 
to the opera to see Vivid.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Joshua 4 th birthday

Monday 25 May

What a messed up day!!!

1) We were suppose to go to the zoo. I made our lunch.
We arrive at Somerville road to be told

2) we are going on a pic nic

Shane was building Joshua's new bed so Claude help
I played with Joshua.
Amelia and Mykaela were in school
Jo was shopping.

3) we end up eating our sandwich inside, no champagne no cake 
no happy birthday to Josh.

I seemed to be the only one minding because Joshua was very happy
playing with his new toy. We got him a "build your own dinosaur"

During the afternoon Jo made some little cakes
And they had a celebration at the park

Chowder bay

Sunday 24 May

We went to have lunch at the
"East Coast Lounge"
We did not book.....

view from our table

We had bruchettas and shared 
a plate of charcuteries, with a 
glass of wine. We couldn't have coffee
as the table was reserved

So we continued with our walk and 
had a coffee at the little place near
Clifton garden beach

My birthday

Wednesday 20 May

Claude brought croissants and coffee in bed.

I went to aqua and coffee with my friends

I got lot of birthday messages:
e mails, face book, phone calls.

Tonight I ate by myself a 
huge plate of prawns with
a glass of wine.

Claude is at a "prostate patients consumer forum dinner"
It is the only date and we thought it was more important for him to go 
than to stay to celebrate my birthday.
This is why we had it last night.

My birthday celebrations

Tuesday 19 May

School for senior had a "big morning tea" 
to raise money for cancer research.
We do that every years.

I made a banana cake and nobody ate any.
It look too ordinary.
So I packed it up and took it 
back home for Claude.
I was not happy.

Tonight Shane and family are coming to the 
DY RSL at the "Flame " restaurant
to celebrate my birthday.
Jo bought 2 books and a nice book mark.
I now can relax and read.

Shelly beach new cafe

Tuesday 12 May

This afternoon we went for a walk along 
Manly beach to Shelly beach.
And had a peak at the new cafe.
Almost finished.

It's going to be great

Mothers' day picnic

Sunday 10 May

I prepare a pic nic and we met
the family at Apple tree bay.

 We start with a glass of champagne, cheese and biscuits,
pate and dips.
Followed by a nice lunch.

After we went and work out the calories
playing with the kids.

Mykaela climbed a tree

Learning to sew

Friday 8 May

Shane rang this morning to see if we can have the kids overnight.
It was already arrange that he was coming to mow the lawn and 
cut some wood on Saturday.
(Claude cannot do it because of his operation.
Shane was a great help)

I had planned Russian steak for dinner so I changed it
to Vegemite noodles, the children favorite.

After bath they continued with their play before bed.
Joshua was a bit difficult but soon settled and then
It was Amelia saying she missed her mummy.

Saturday 9 May

Up early, no lying in bed for us with 2 kids.
I bet Shane and Jo think they wan the lottery

Playing wit my Zen garden.

I wonder how there is still sand in it!!!
Mykaela used to love playing with it,
BUT she was very careful.
Amelia goes about it the way she rake the garden.
AND when Joshua want a turn, sand is going everywhere.

Last time I had Amelia I told her about her dad
Sewing button, paper clip, washer and screw on
a big S and that after I sewed it on the front of 
a T shirt.
She remember, and ask to be taught to do the same.
I was a bit reluctant as I did not have a T shirt for her.

Joshua doing a koala mask

my jar of button came in handy.

love the tongue sticking out

She caught on very quickly...
until she pricked her finger and a blob of blood
appeared. You could have swear she was 
dying. I put her on my knees for a big cuddle.
And that was the end of sewing.

I wanted to keep it to sew on a T shirt but
 she wanted to take it home to show her mum.