Friday 26 was the perfect day to ride
our bikes.
We parked at the sailing club.
Ride to the bridge, cross the road and ride
along the caravan park to the beach.
After a rest and a drink, we rode back.
The beach was full of school children on
an excursion. They had tins with glad wrap
at one end, so the could see in the rocks puddles.
when we arrived back at the bridge we cross again
and rode on the other side of the lake to
Deep Creek bridge. We rode under the bridge
to the dog training area. (1st photo)
Very nice spot. Had fun looking at the dogs catching ball.
Mostly having fun if they refused and
the owner had to get the ball.
When we came back to the bridge it was
time for lunch.
We had a Thai beef salad at H2O.
The salad was a bit pricey but very generous.
(small diner tonight).
We had a very good view.
We had to burn out all those calories.
So we rode bake to the sailing club,
went to the bush track right to the golf course
Oops I just deleted a photo........
End of a perfect riding day.
I have to go to Pilate now